(818) 240-4690


$1200 per person

CARLSBAD  2024    6 days 5 nights $1200 First day: Going to Laughing. Dinner Second day: Breakfast. Going to Albuquerque. During the trip we will have lunch in Flagstaff, and after we will visit Petrified Forest, where we will see the wonders of nature. We…

CARLSBAD  2024   

6 days 5 nights $1200

First day: Going to Laughing. Dinner

Second day: Breakfast. Going to Albuquerque. During the trip we will have lunch in Flagstaff, and after we will visit Petrified Forest, where we will see the wonders of nature. We will have a nice dinner in the evening and we’ll stay in a high class hotel.

Third day: Breakfast in Golden Coral.  Visiting Carlsbad. Tour to Rosewell Museum (the museum of aliens). Arriving at the hotel before 5 PM. We will have dinner at 7 PM. There will be music, dances and unlimited drinks. We will stay at the same hotel.

Forth day. Breakfast. Visiting the Big room of Carlsbad cave. Then we will have lunch. We will have dinner in the evening. There will be music, dances and unlimited drinks. We will stay at the same hotel.

Fifth day. Breakfast. Coming back. We will have lunch in Las Cruces city. Dinner. Then we will stay at Desert Diamond high class hotel.

Sixth day: Breakfast. Lunch in Blythe city. Coming back in evening at 6 PM.

June 9, October 6


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